雅思写作定语从句 考研倒装句英语结构

在雅思阅读文章中 , 经常会出现一些倒装句 。考生需要熟悉这个英语语法来提高阅读速度 。让我们来谈谈边肖的雅思阅读倒装句型分析 。不要错过它 。

雅思写作定语从句 考研倒装句英语结构


There comes the bus.
Now comes your luck.
There goes the bell.
[注]①如果主语是人称代词时 , 不引起主谓倒装 。
Here(There)we are.Here you are.
②谓语动词一般是移动性动词或表示状态的动词 。如:come/go/run/lie(位于)/stand(位于)/rush/be等 。
(2)副词up/down/upon/out/back/over/away/off/ahead位于句首时 , 要用全部倒装:
Off went the teachers.
Ahead sat an old woman.
Out rushed the boys.
Mary has never been to China , neither(nor)has her husband.
Happy indeed are those who received good news.
What she did Was important , but more important was the way she did things.
Lying on the floor was a boy aged about five.
谓语的一部分(如助动词、情态动词或"to be")置于主语之前 , 引起部分倒装 。
(1)由否定词(not/never/little/no sooner/not until/hardly/rarely/scarcely/seldom/nowhere)开头的句子引起部分倒装.
Little did we expect that he would fulfill his task so rapidly.
No sooner do I get one problem settled before another appears.
Never before have we made so great achievement in science and technology.
Not until dark did he got home.
In vain did we try to persuade him to give up smoking. (我们都没有办法劝他戒烟 。)
On no account should any money be given to a small kid.
By no means are we satisfied with the success we have achieved.
At no time and under no circumstances will China be the first to use nuclear weapons.
(3)当频度状语(often/always/once/many a time/now and again/every other day/every two hours)等及方式状语"thus"等置于句首时 , 引起部分倒装
Thus was the Emperor deceived.
Not only did I forger to close the window, but also I forget to lock the door.
(5)从属连接词 “no sooner..than ,  scarcely..when, hardly..when”等表示“一…就…”概念时 , 且“no sooner, scarcely , hardly’’置于旬首时 , 引起部分倒装 。此结构中的谓语动词用“过去完成时(从句)+过去时(主句)"
Hardly had he arrived when she heard the telephone ring.
No sooner had we gone home than it began to rain heavily.
Only in the street did I meet him.
Only then did he realize the importance of learning English.
Only when the war was over in 1948 was he able to get happily back to work.
(7)虚拟条件句中若有“were , should , had , ”时 。可省略“if , ’ , 引起部分倒装.
Should it rain tomorrow, I shall stay at home.
Were I you,1 wouldn’t buy this book.
Had we not helped him, he would not have succeeded.
Business is risky.But should we succeed , we would be rich.
(8)当“So…that”中的“so”位于句首时 , 引起部分倒装;如果谓语为“be” , 则引起全部倒装 。其构成倒装的基本结构为"So+形容词/情态动词/to be十主语"
So fast did he run that I couldn’t keep up with him.
So loudly did he speak that students at the back heard him clearly.
The question we have already discussed at some length.
A very reliable person she is.
Terribly cold it certainly was.
Two years ago that was.
②表语前移 , 引起全部倒装 , 表示强调:
为了使句子结构达到平衡协调 , 将表语提前 , 使带有较长修饰语的主语置后 , 以避免头重脚轻 。
Gone were the restrictions that prevented blacks voting.
Such was Albert Einstein.a simple man of great achievements.
More serious was the question of how the president would present the joint announcement.
③宾语后置 , 改变语序 , 避免头重脚轻:
You should leave to us what you haven’t finished.
Please translate into English the following sentences.
The site of the battle brought back to him memories of the Anti-Japanese War.
I tore into little pieces a small notebook with questions that I’d prepared in advance for interviews.
【雅思写作定语从句 考研倒装句英语结构】有时将较长的名词修饰语与名词隔开并置于句末 , 避免头重脚轻 。
There is a labeler the handle with my name and address on it.
Word came that a typhoon had hit several cities along the coast.
A new book will come out on how to memorize words in a scientific way.

雅思写作定语从句 考研倒装句英语结构


雅思阅读能力多从泛读中来 , 而不是精读 。精读课文往往短小精悍 , 生词多 , 语法点多 , 是用来学习语言知识的 。切记:语言知识不是语言能力 。单纯背一万个单词 , 熟记语法规则并不能保证在正常的时间之内 , 准确领悟篇章的内容 。因为语言知识不是一下子就能转化为能力的 。就如同小孩学习成年人的生活 。泛读的过程是将知识转化为能力的过程 。
泛读的最大特点:阅读量 。短期内提高能力需要五十万词汇到两百万词汇的阅读量 , 具体的量视不同的人和不同目标而定 。
雅思阅读材料:简单原则(生词量控制在百分之三左右) 。读太难的文章是自虐 , 打击自信 , 恶性循环;读太简单的文章是自欺欺人 , 原地踏步 。学语言的基本规律:合适的材料读多了 , 难的自然就变简单了 。
每天的阅读量和时间安排:八千词汇 , 两个小时左右 。
基本阅读方法:不为单纯的学英语而读 , 为了获取知识与乐趣 , 要与书本产生知识和思想上的交流 。一遍读过 , 不回头 , 读懂70%-80%的内容即可 。基本不查单词 , 除非单词对领悟文章的核心内容构成障碍 。鄙人曾经读Red star over China , 遇到如下信息 , 说毛主席坐在延安的炕头上 , 脱下裤子找lice , 什么东西?单词不认识 。对兴趣构成重大障碍 , 查!
递进关系: also, apart from, besides, moreover, furthermore
时间先后: now, later, before, after, since, when, first, second, next, at last, eventually, finally
排列次序: another, the second…even more…the most… the best… the least…
对比转折: but, however, though, although, yet, nevertheless, on the other hand…
相似关系: like, as, similar to, in the same way, or…
as, because, for, since, owing to, thanks to, lead to, as a result, result in, consequently, therefore, thus, hence, so, cause…
that is to say, in other words, e.g. such as, for example, for instance…
最高级 –est, most, best…
唯一性 only, unique, merely, barely, exclusively…
比较级 –er, more, better, superior, inferior, preferable…
In order to, so as to, to, for…
人名 地名 专有名词大写名词
idea, thought, concept, view, opinion, perspective, explanation, prediction, result, consequence, summary, aftermath…
notice, indicate, say, believe, suggest, allege, conclude, appear to, think, point out, argue, remark, note, report, reason, discover, propose, imply, study, refute, claim…
时间 打上方框(文字表述的写出数据)
数字,特殊符号 圈出来
表示态度的形容词/副词/动词 标正负号
?:advantegeous, pessimistic, positive, effectively, praise…
Θ:Strange, difficult, devastating, harmful, shameful…Surprisingly, ironically…Ignore, blame, doubt, reject, question, balk…