邮寄服务英文怎么写 快递邮寄 英文

通常,邮寄是在邮局进行的 。如果是在国外,只需要去邮局办理相应的手续,缴纳相应的费用即可 。但是你对邮寄流程不熟悉,可以咨询服务员 。不要担心如何与服务员沟通-现在西安美联成人英语培训中心边肖为你安排邮寄服务英文 。

邮寄服务英文怎么写 快递邮寄 英文


A: Hi, I want to mail some postcards.
B: OK. Where are you going to send them to?
A: China. And I want to buy some postcards.
B: Sure. Choose postcards over there. Then fill in the postcards and come back to me, please.
A: All right. Here are the postcards. But I do not know how to fill in the addresses. Please help me.
B: Sure. Firstly, please write down the recipient's name and address on the right side. Put country in the last line, no abbreviations and capitalize all letters, please.
A: And is the left side for my message?
【邮寄服务英文怎么写 快递邮寄 英文】B: Yes, please write down your name after the message.
A: Do I need to add my address at the bottom?
B: No, because the address of the post office has been printed on it.
A: I see.
B: Then give me the postcard. I'll send it for you.
A:你好,我想寄一些明信片 。
A:中国,我也想买一些明信片 。
B:好的,请在那边挑选你想买的明信片,填写好之后请到我这边来 。
A:好的 。这是我挑选的明信片,但是我不知道怎么填写地址,请帮帮我 。
B:当然 。首先,请在右边写下收件人的姓名和地址,国家名放在后一行,不要缩写,而且所有的字母请大写 。
B:是的,然后写上你自己的名字 。
B:不需要 。因为明信片已经印上邮局的地址了 。
A:我明白了 。
B:然后给我明信片,我帮你邮 。
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